I am a Ph.D. in Computer Science (CS) who was part of Systems Research Laboratory (SyLab), <http: //sylab-srv.cs.fiu.edu/>, under the supervision of Professor Raju Rangaswami, <https: //users.cs.fiu.edu/~raju/WWW/>. I have been exploring the fields of Storage Systems, Distributed Systems, Machine Learning (ML), and Artificial Intelligence (AI). In my previous research projects, I successfully worked on designing and implementing new caching algorithms using ML, which significantly improves system performance. I have also designed and developed distributed storage and caching solutions for Cloud Data Centers. Before graduating from Florida International University’s (FIU) Ph.D. program, I was a Research Intern at Microsoft Research (MSR) in Cambridge, UK, where I contributed to the Silica Project. I also worked as a Research Intern at Seagate Technology, where I joined the CORTX Open-source Project. Finally, I also completed a degree in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering.
PhD in Computer Science, 2023
Florida International University
MSc in Computer Science, 2022
Florida International University
BSc in Electronics and Telecommunications, 2014
Technological University of Havana “José Antonio Echeverría”